Due to the stress and uncertainty of the current pandemic, many kids are failing to thrive and are reporting higher levels of anxiety and depression. But adults can help. Resilient children are not born, they are taught.
The Monique Burr Foundation for Children (MBF) is thrilled to present Let’s Talk About Thrivers, an educational webinar with Michele Borba, Ed.D.
During the webinar, Dr. Borba will discuss her new book titled, Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine, as well as what she’s learned about resiliency in kids and how we can all help develop thrivers. In addition, she will identify the seven essential character strengths which set thrivers apart. Dr. Borba will also demonstrate the ways in which you can use the book, along with other resources she has developed, to promote resiliency in children, including providing education within your own communities about these teachable skills.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
12:00PM – 1:30PM ET
This event will be beneficial to parents and professionals such as school counselors, educators, child advocates, outreach and prevention specialists, and youth-serving organization staff. The mental health of our youth is just as crucial as their physical health. We have the ability to help prevent mental health crises and help kids thrive in the real world through educating ourselves and those around us on how to instill resiliency in youth.
200 webinar attendees will receive a FREE copy of Dr. Borba’s book, Thrivers, after the event. Winners will be randomly selected from all attendees present at the live webinar. Winners will be notified via email and books will be mailed following the webinar.
This event has concluded, but you can view the recorded webinar and access resources at wwwstaging.mbfpreventioneducation.org/lets-talk-prevention.
About Michele Borba
Michele Borba, Ed.D. is an internationally renowned educator, award-winning author, and parenting child expert recognized for her solution-based strategies to strengthen children’s character, resilience, and reduce peer cruelty. A sought-after motivational speaker, she has spoken in 19 countries and five continents and served as a consultant to hundreds of schools and corporations. Clients include Sesame Street, Harvard, U.S. Air Force Academy, 18 US Army Bases in Europe and the Asian-Pacific, H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. and a TEDx Talk: “Empathy Is a Verb.” She offers realistic, research-based advice culled from a career working with over one million parents and educators worldwide.
She is the award-winning author of 24 books translated into 19 languages including Nobody Likes Me, No More Misbehavin’, Don’t Give Me That Attitude!, Building Moral Intelligence, Parents Do Make A Difference, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, End Peer Cruelty, Build Empathy, and UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World. Her latest book (spring 2021) Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine.
Awards include the National Educator Award (presented by the National Council of Self-Esteem), National Child Safety Award of 2016 by Child Safety Network, Santa Clara University’s Outstanding Alumna Award, Outstanding Contribution to the Educational Profession by the Bureau of Education and Research and a 2016 SHORTY nominee for “Best Social Media Influencer in Parenting.” She was named Honorary Chairperson for Self-Esteem in Hong Kong, consultant for the Character Education and Civic Engagement for the U.S. Dept of Education, Disney Influencer, and Goodwill Ambassador for M.I.T.’s One Laptop per Child project. Board memberships include Parents, Character.org, Child Safety Network, Boys & Girls Club of America, USTA Sportsmanship Committee. Her proposal: “Ending School Violence and Bullying” (SB1667) was signed into California law in 2002.
Dr. Borba is a former classroom and special education teacher with a wide range of teaching experience, including work in a private practice with children with learning and emotional disabilities. She received a Doctorate in Educational Psychology and Counseling from the University of San Francisco, an M.A. in Learning Disabilities and B.A. from the University of Santa Clara, and Life Teaching Credential from San Jose State University. Please visit www.micheleborba.com to learn more.