Let’s Talk About Prevention is a free online learning series related to child abuse, bullying, exploitation, and other types of child victimization. The Monique Burr Foundation for Children wants to help our Facilitators and other youth-serving organization staff continue their professional development with this series of nine one-hour webinars on important child protection and prevention topics, to include: Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs), Prevention and Research, Digital Safety, Exploitation, and more.
This series can benefit anyone! Professionals such as school counselors, educators, child advocates, and youth-serving organization staff will benefit by learning new information and strategies to keep children safe. Parents and concerned adults will also learn about child victimization and ways to better protect their children. The webinars are presented by leading experts in the child prevention field and partners of MBF. The recorded webinars can be viewed below. In addition, below each recording, you will find links that will give you access to resources that were mentioned throughout each session.
We encourage you to share this series with your colleagues, family members, friends, and anyone you think will benefit from the information. Thank you for all you do for kids!
Let’s Talk About Thrivers: How We Can All Help Develop Resilient Kids Who Thrive in the Real World.
Featuring Dr. Michele Borba
Educational Psychologist, Author, Speaker
Prevent 360° – A Better Way to Protect Children from Abuse and Victimization.
Katelyn Brewer, President & CEO, Darkness to Light
Stacy Pendarvis, VP of Programs, Monique Burr Foundation
Stolen Innocence. A Personal Story of Abuse, Healing, Advocacy, and the Importance of Prevention
Featuring Erin Merryn
Founder, Erin’s Law
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health Disparities: The Life-Course Effects of Childhood Trauma and Why Prevention Must Be a Leading Priority.
Featuring Stan Sonu, MD, MPH
Associate Program Director and Professor, Emory University
Sexual Abuse Prevention: A Variety of Strategies.
Featuring David Finkelhor, PhD
Director, Crimes Against Children Research Center
Healing Trauma with Empathy and Teaching Resilience to Move Forward.
Featuring Michele Borba, EdD
Educational Psychologist, Author, Speaker
Social Media & Emerging Tech: Motivating Mindful, Empathetic & Responsible Use to Prevent Digital Abuse.
Featuring Richard Guerry
Founder, Institute for Responsible Online and Cellphone Communication (IROC2.org)
Emerging Trends in Child Sexual Exploitation: Protecting Children Online.
Featuring Susan Kennedy, Ed.M.
Prevention Program Manager, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Prevention and Early Recognition of Child Sex and Labor Trafficking.
Featuring Jordan Greenbaum, MD
Medical Director, International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children
The Science of Preventing Child Maltreatment.
Featuring Melissa A. Bright, PhD
Assistant Research Scientist, University of Florida