MBF Child Safety Matters® – Pre-K is an introductory personal safety program for preschool children, ages 4 – 5. The curriculum was created and reviewed by child psychologists and early childhood educators and meets many Pre-K instructional standards and health education standards.
The lessons are age- and developmentally appropriate and include fun and engaging activities for children, as well as additional optional activities that can be used for reinforcement of the lesson content. Each lesson is approximately 20-30 minutes and is easy to deliver using a turnkey script and visual cards (no technology required) or using scripts and visual card PowerPoints (if technology is available).
Facilitator training is available for educators and others who will present the program to children. The program can also be presented in home settings one on one with a parent and child by home visitors.
Program Features and Benefits:
- Easy and practical to implement
- Developmentally appropriate for preschool children – ages 4-5
- Introduces children to the MBF 5 Safety Rules©
- Educates children, school staff, and parents
- Created, reviewed, trusted, and supported by experts and parents
Program Topics
The Pre-K curriculum consists of four lessons based on the MBF 5 Safety Rules and one optional lesson as follows:
Lesson 1: General Safety Information and Safety Rule #1
Lesson 2: Safety Rule #2
Lesson 3: Safety Rule #3 and Safety Rule #4
Lesson 4: Safety Rule #5
Lesson 5: Bullying and Digital Safety (Optional lesson)
PROGRAM Materials
For Facilitators
- Curriculum scripts with illustrated visual cards
- Subscription to password-protected facilitator site
- Online facilitator training
- Additional training and resources to provide to staff, parents, and community members
- Ongoing program and implementation support
For Children
- Safe Adult Bookmarks to distribute to their two Safe Adults
- Coloring pages
- Diploma
- Stickers
For Parents
- Parent Welcome and Opt-Out forms
- Parent Information Sheets (distributed after each lesson)
- Parent training
For Schools/Early Childhood Education Centers/Home Visitor Programs
- Staff training
- Safety Rules Banner
- Safety Rules Poster