MBF Bullying Prevention Toolkit

Did you know?

  • 13 million students will be bullied in the United States this year.
  • 1 in 4 students will be bullied, and 1 in 3 will be cyberbullied.
  • Research shows that in over half of bullying situations (57%) when someone intervenes, the bullying stops within 10 seconds.

At the Monique Burr Foundation for Children (MBF), we believe every child deserves to be safe from child victimization, including bullying. These statistics show why we need to bring attention to bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Bullying is preventable, but it takes everyone’s commitment to recognize and respond to it, and it takes consistent education and intervention to prevent it.

The MBF team has developed a Bullying Prevention Month Toolkit, a curated kit of resources to help you celebrate bullying prevention month and cultivate a culture of kindness in your school.

Please feel free to share this toolkit with your teachers, colleagues, and other school staff!

Lesson Plans

Research shows bullying CAN be stopped, but true change requires consistent education and intervention. Below are lesson plans for educators to help create a culture of kindness and safety in your school. Educators and prevention specialists at MBF developed these bullying prevention lesson plans for use during the month of October (National Bullying Prevention Month) to help prevent and stop bullying. These lessons are easy to implement and can be delivered to students by classroom teachers.

While one lesson will not end bullying, using these lessons and the included activities as part of a broader plan to help reduce bullying is a great start.

Activities for Students

  • Safety Spirit Week Activity/Letter [For Elementary Schools | For Middle and High Schools] – Organize a Safety Spirit Week with these fun daily activities for youth in your school. Send the flyer home to parents/caregivers with dates listed to allow time for students to prepare to participate.
  • Anti-Bullying Pledge – This is a fun activity to help cultivate a culture of kindness in your classrooms. Use the information provided in the lesson plans or with the Student Upstander Cards to teach students about bullying and the importance of being an upstander, and then have students complete the pledge. If you have space available, consider displaying the signed pledges in your classroom or hallway.
  • Student Upstander Cards – Student Upstander Cards are a great way to encourage youth to stand up against bullying and spread kindness.
  • Kindness Bingo  [For Elementary Schools | For Middle and High Schools] – To encourage acts of kindness, introduce Kindness Bingo to youth early in the month. Allow them to X out the boxes as they complete acts of kindness. Consider rewarding students who get a Bingo on their card.
  • Kindness Matters Coloring Sheet – This is a fun activity for students and provides an opportunity for you to talk about kindness!

Printable posters (8.5” by 11”)

Social Media Kit

These social media posts are designed to help your school/organization spread the word about Bullying Prevention Month and the resources available. These captions and links can be posted on your organization’s website and social channels and may be customized for your community. To download an image: Click on the Image number below to open the image in a new window, then right-click the image and select “Save Image As” to save it to files. 

Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4 | Image 5 | Image 6 | Image 7

Social Post Captions

Additional Resources

* Paid by OAG, K05336

What They're Saying...

There’s not a child in the world who can’t benefit from this program. There are so many instances where we see children who have been damaged and hurt. Things happened to them and we think, if they’d only had this program, if they’d only had the benefit of this education, that might not have happened to them. If we can prevent that from happening to a single child, then it’s worth all the effort we have put forth

The MBF Child Safety Matters program is impressive. This important information is well formulated and well presented, developmentally appropriate, and based on good understanding of literature.

The MBF Teen Safety Matters curriculum hosts an in-depth approach to important social and safety concerns relevant to youth. The program content is age-appropriate with engaging activities, jargon, and realistic situations to positively promote a relatable and impacting learning experience…Teen Safety Matters is an educational benefit to all parties involved – students, parents, facilitators, and schools.

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