OCTOBER IS BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH! Whether it is in person or online, many youth experience bullying, and it’s one of parents’ top concerns for their children. Bullying can come in many forms and has become a growing issue for kids, not only in the US but across the globe. Bullying affects all youth, including those who are bullied, those who bully others, and those who witness bullying. The effects of bullying may continue into adulthood.
However, awareness, prevention education, and intervention are three very effective ways to stand against bullying.
Bullying is repeated acts of hostility or aggression where there is a real or perceived imbalance of power, and the victim cannot defend themselves.
There are four types of bullying:
» Physical
» Verbal
» Social/Isolation
» Digital/Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is repeated, threatening, or harassing behavior that occurs online via the Internet or cellphone and can include:
» Sending harassing messages
» Posting false information
» Posting private pictures
» Gaining someone’s trust to impersonate them and post their private information online
MBF Prevention Education Programs, teach youth about UPSTANDERS and BYSTANDERS and how to use the MBF 5 Safety Rules to take a stand against bullying.
A BYSTANDER is someone who stands by and watches bullying happen; sometimes, they even help the bully. An UPSTANDER is someone who sees bullying and stands up to the bully, stands up for and helps the person being bullied, or speaks out against bullying.
When they use Safety Rule #2, Spot Red Flags to identify bullying, they can use Safety Rule #3 to Make a Move such as:
- Help the person being bullied GET AWAY, and do not watch, listen to, or encourage the bullying.
- Help them STAY AWAY. Be a friend and help them avoid places where the bullying happens.
They can also use Safety Rule #4, Talk It Up to tell a Safe Adult about the bullying situation. We also encourage youth to tell a Safe Friend about the bullying and ask them to help you talk to a Safe Adult.
We emphasized these concepts in the 2024 Bullying Prevention Month Toolkit, a curated kit of resources to help you celebrate Bullying Prevention Month and cultivate a culture of kindness in your school. Check out the toolkit below and share it with your friends, colleagues, and other school staff!
*Paid by OAG, GR-2024-Monique Burr Foundation for Children-00014